ID Epoch Cassette Vision
Short Name
Name Cassette Vision
Company Epoch
Description The Cassette Vision is a japanese console released on the 30th June, 1981 by Epoch Co. This is for sure an obscure system as little is known about this console. It was one of the first cartridge system released in japan and ha d almost no real competitor until the launch of the fabulous Nintendo Famicom in 1983. It was however clearly a low-end and cheap system.
The graphics are very basic and blocky. The overall aspect of the games and cartridges (size and plastic boxes), is strangely similar to the Hanimex HMG-7900... Though games are not the same, there must be a link between these two obscure systems.
There were not a lot of cartridge released for it. "Kikori No Yosaku" was its killer game. It is a game where you must chop trees! Other games include Grand Champion (car race), Galaxian, Big Sports 12 (paddle games), Baseball, Astro Command, Elevator Panic, Monster Mansion, Monster Block, etc. The machine did cost 13500 yen and games, about 4000 yen.
The controller are in fact two knobs for vertical and horizontal movements (like the Magnavox Odyssey). There are also 4 fire buttons labeled PUSH-1, PUSH-2, PSUH-3 and PUSH-4 (two for each player?). There is also a power on/off switch, SELECT, AUX. and START buttons, a strange switch called COURSE and two others labeled LEVER-1 and LEVER-2... can anyone help us finding the use of these?
The Cassette Vision was later followed by the Cassette Vision Junior, which was a low-cost version of the Cassette Vision, and then by the Super Cassette Vision, a more well known system since it was also released outside Japan. Worth noting are also two stand-alone consoles which had each a single game included (and no possibility to play any other games). There were released before the Cassette Vision. First one was called TV Vader and played a Space Invaders type game. The second one, TV Baseball, was a system playing only a Baseball game. It is interesting to note that both games would be released later for the Cassette Vision as cartridges.
Date Available 30th June 1981
Type Unknown
Alternate Names Epoch Cassette Vision
Matches tgdb 4965
oldcomputers 792
tgdb 4965
    "id": 4965,
    "name": "Epoch Cassette Vision",
    "altNames": [],
    "shortName": "epoch-cassette-vision",
    "developer": "Epoch Co.",
    "manufacturer": "Epoch Co.",
    "company": "Epoch Co."
oldcomputers 792
    "type_id": 2,
    "id": 792,
    "pages": {
        "photos": "photos.asp?t=1&c=792&st=2",
        "software": "software2.asp?t=2&c=792&st=2",
        "links": "links.asp?c=792&st=2",
        "docs": "docs.asp?c=792&st=2",
        "videos": "videos.asp?c=792&st=2",
        "comments": "forum.asp?c=792&st=2"
    "image": "",
    "company_link": "company.asp?st=2&m=290",
    "company_name": "Epoch",
    "company_logo": "",
    "description": "The Cassette Vision is a japanese console released on the 30th June, 1981 by Epoch Co. This is for sure an obscure system as little is known about this console. It was one of the first cartridge system released in japan and ha d almost no real competitor until the launch of the fabulous <b>Nintendo Famicom</b> in 1983. It was however clearly a low-end and cheap system.\nThe graphics are very basic and blocky. The overall aspect of the games and cartridges (size and plastic boxes), is strangely similar to the <a href=\"computer.asp?st=2&amp;c=696\">Hanimex HMG-7900</a>... Though games are not the same, there must be a link between these two obscure systems.\nThere were not a lot of cartridge released for it. \"Kikori No Yosaku\" was its killer game. It is a game where you must chop trees! Other games include Grand Champion (car race), Galaxian, Big Sports 12 (paddle games), Baseball, Astro Command, Elevator Panic, Monster Mansion, Monster Block, etc. The machine did cost 13500 yen and games, about 4000 yen.\nThe controller are in fact two knobs for vertical and horizontal movements (like the Magnavox Odyssey). There are also 4 fire buttons labeled PUSH-1, PUSH-2, PSUH-3 and PUSH-4 (two for each player?). There is also a power on/off switch, SELECT, AUX. and START buttons, a strange switch called COURSE and two others labeled LEVER-1 and LEVER-2... can anyone help us finding the use of these?\nThe Cassette Vision was later followed by the <b>Cassette Vision Junior</b>, which was a low-cost version of the Cassette Vision, and then by the <a href=\"computer.asp?st=2&amp;c=844\">Super Cassette Vision</a>, a more well known system since it was also released outside Japan. Worth noting are also two stand-alone consoles which had each a single game included (and no possibility to play any other games). There were released before the Cassette Vision. First one was called <a href=\"computer.asp?st=2&amp;c=1017\">TV Vader</a> and played a Space Invaders type game. The second one, <a href=\"computer.asp?st=2&amp;c=798\">TV Baseball</a>, was a system playing only a Baseball game. It is interesting to note that both games would be released later for the Cassette Vision as cartridges.",
    "name": "Cassette Vision",
    "manufacturer": "Epoch",
    "origin": "Japan",
    "year": "30th June 1981",
    "built_in_software_games": "None?",
    "controllers": "Knobs built-in the console",
    "cpu": "all-in-one dedicated chipset",
    "ram": "Unknown",
    "graphic_modes": "54 x 62",
    "colors": "Yes (8?)",
    "sound": "Beeper?",
    "size_weight": "Unknown",
    "io_ports": "Cartridge slot",
    "media": "Cartridges, TV out, External connector",
    "number_of_games": "At least 10 cartridges released",
    "power_supply": "External PSU, 12V DC, 500 mA, + -(o- -",
    "price": "Cassette Vision : 13,500 yen (Japan, 1981)<br>Cassette Vision Jr : 5000 yen (Japan, 1983)",
    "photos": [
            "name": "Cassette Vision ",
            "image": "[1].jpg",
            "description": ""
            "name": "Casette Vision ",
            "image": "",
            "description": ""
            "name": "Front ",
            "image": "",
            "description": ""
            "name": "back ",
            "image": "",
            "description": ""
            "name": "detail #1 ",
            "image": "",
            "description": "controls for left player ?"
            "name": "detail #2 ",
            "image": "",
            "description": "controle panel"
            "name": "detail #3 ",
            "image": "",
            "description": "do you have an explanation ?"
            "name": "detail #4 ",
            "image": "",
            "description": "cartridge inserted"
            "name": "Box, front ",
            "image": "",
            "description": "<p class=\"petitgris\">Thanks to Toby Wickwire for this picture </p>"
            "name": "Box, back ",
            "image": "",
            "description": ""
            "name": "Box #2 ",
            "image": "",
            "description": ""
            "name": "Box #3 ",
            "image": "",
            "description": ""
            "name": "Cassette Vision Jr ",
            "image": "",
            "description": "Cost reduced version of the original Cassette Vision system, with better buttons disposition for 4 directions games."
            "name": "Cassette Vision Jr ",
            "image": "",
            "description": ""
            "name": "Cassette Vision Jr b... ",
            "image": "",
            "description": ""
            "name": "Cassette Vision Jr B... ",
            "image": "",
            "description": ""
            "name": "Cassette Vision Jr b... ",
            "image": "",
            "description": ""
            "name": "Cassette Vision Jr b... ",
            "image": "",
            "description": ""
    "links": [
            "url": "",
            "name": "INTERNAL LINK",
            "description": "Article about the HMG-7900 and compatible systems"
            "url": "",
            "name": "Odyssey",
            "description": "Nice page about the Cassette Vision (Japanese)"
            "url": "",
            "name": "OGASHIN's HOME PAGE",
            "description": "This japanese page has some Cassette Vision screenshots, just to give you an idea..."
            "url": "",
            "name": "Wikipedia article (Japan)",
            "description": "interesting info"
            "url": "",
            "name": "",
            "description": "detailed info about the console and its games (japanese)"
            "url": "",
            "name": "",
            "description": "detailed info about the games (in japanese)"
            "url": "",
            "name": "",
            "description": "detailed info on the Cassette Vision Jr (in japanese)"